Are You Thinking About Moving? Now Might be the Time to Sell!

Are you thinking about selling your home? This could be a great time to consider moving. I can't tell you this is the best time for YOU to move, because I don't know your personal situation. I can only tell you what I have noticed trending in our national and community real estate market. With interest rates "on the rise," now may be the time to get your dream home! Making the decision to move is huge, but you may want to do some research before you run to put a contract on a new home. Here are some things I suggest you do before selling your home:

1. Contact a Real Estate Professional - I know you probably get tired of hearing me say that, but I can NOT stress this enough! When thinking about selling your home, contacting a real estate professional can help you save time and money. Realtors and Real Estate Agents have access to certain software that can help you find comparable properties to your house and help you price it correctly. You want to make sure you don't price your home too high or too low. If you're thinking of selling your home by yourself, pay a little bit extra and get an appraisal done by a licensed appraiser. It will cost you money upfront, but it will help you support your sale price to potential buyers.

2. Be ready to have your home shown at any time - Whether you're selling your house through a Real Estate Company or FSBO (For Sale By Owner), potential buyers are ALWAYS looking. Be ready to have someone want to see your home at ANY time. If you're not ready to show your home, the seller down the street has already let them into their home and possibly taken your potential buyer. If you're like me and don't have the luxury of having a personal maid live with you, make sure you leave your house "show ready" when you leave for work or go on vacation. It makes life easier for you (the seller) and for potential buyers.

If you are selling your home FSBO, be aware of just anyone wanting to come in and look around your home. Listing your home with a Realtor can help defer any random "lookers" and can help ensure the safety of your house and belongings. If you have your heart set on selling your home by yourself, I completely understand. Do your research and know the best (and safest) ways to show your home.

3. Take "YOU" out of your home - I know that sounds weird, but this is also my way of saying "de-clutter" your home. When potential buyers come in to see your home, they don't want to see you living in your house...they want to see themselves living in their future home. The fewer family pictures you have on the wall, the better your house will show. To be 100% honest with you -  the fewer decorations you have on your wall or in your house, the better your house will show. No one wants to see your naked baby pictures or Participation ribbons for 4th grade on the wall. Period. End of Story.

4. Curb Appeal - I really want to make sure I mention this one, because it is one of my personal pet peeves. You can have the nicest house in the neighborhood, but if the outside of it looks may not get much "action." I have had buyers pull up to a house and refuse to get out of their car because the exterior of it needs so much attention. If you're not willing to put effort into the outside of your house, buyers think the inside will look the same. It doesn't take too much money to keep your grass cut, weeds pulled, and to pick up trash off your lawn. Think about what you, as a potential buyer, look for in a house. Take that information, and use it to sell yours!

5. Don't put TOO much money into upgrading your house - This one might seem silly, but you would be surprised how many people spend TOO much in upgrades. Before you decide to splurge and put hardwood floors throughout your house or granite counter tops in your kitchen/bathroom, make sure you'll be able to recoup your money when you sell your home. If you're not too worried about making your money back when you sell, then spend as much as your little heart desires! As long as the granite counter tops or a completely renovated bathroom makes you love your home that much more, then go for it. Keep in mind - you might spend $10,000 in upgrades but you may only recoup half of your investment. Before doing any renovations or upgrades, I suggest that you search "upgrades to increase your home value." There are several sites/articles about which upgrades will give you the most return on your money.

Hope this helps those of you thinking about selling your home. I am always available to answer your questions or concerns. Feel free to call or text me at (903) 987-0685. Happy renovations!


Jessica Holmes
Realtor, Mobbs Real Estate Group


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