Selling Your Home

I have my house for sale…now what do I do?

You’ve done your last minute repairs and painting, met with your Realtor, and signed all of the listing agreement documents. What do you do now?

Keep your house clean and free of clutter!
I know this sounds redundant, but it can make a huge difference in how well your house shows. I suggest removing extra pictures from walls, clearing off countertops, and organizing closets and pantries. You never know when someone will want to see your home, so always keep it neat. Most buyers understand that you live there, so it may not be perfectly clean 100% of the time. Just make sure that your home is the focus of their showing, not your clutter.

**Personal story – I recently showed a vacant home that was a mess. I walked up to the property and immediately noticed all the clutter and trash outside. Once inside, nothing was clean. The carpets had been completely destroyed by animals, it smelled terrible, and it was very disappointing. When I left the house, it only took seconds for me to realize that it was infested with FLEAS! I immediately called the listing agent to report this problem, and hopefully saved someone from having to do the embarrassing dance I did in the front yard J At least the neighbors probably got a good laugh.

I understand it can be difficult to keep a vacant home in perfect shape, but it’s not impossible. If your home is vacant, be sure to check on it once or twice a week. You never know what is going on in the home while you’re not there. Also, make sure to get showing feedback from your agent after each showing. Showing feedback helps to know what the buyer’s favorite (and least favorite) aspects of your home. It will also help you know if anything needs to be repaired or needs to have special attention.

Be patient
In a perfect world, a house would go on the market and sell in less than 24 hours. I pray for that to happen for ALL my listings. Sometimes, it doesn’t happen that way. Don’t worry, your Realtor is still working for you! Between advertising online and in print media, they are pushing and talking about their listings to anyone who will listen. A good way for you to help is to share your home’s listing on Facebook and other social media sites. When you do, make sure you copy and paste exactly how your Realtor posted it (we have marketing rules we have to follow). By posting your home on social media sites, we can reach people in your sphere of influence.

If you need any more tips on keeping your home in show-ready condition, feel free to contact me! I’m always available to help.

Jessica Homes
Realtor for Mobbs Real Estate Group
(903) 987-0685


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