2016 has been great...so far!

After a year hiatus, I'm coming back to the blog.

The last year (2015-2016) has been amazing, to say the least. Greg and I welcomed our first baby in September, Evelyn Jean Holmes. Next month, she'll turn one year...where did the time go? I used to think people that said "Don't blink, time flies by so fast..." were crazy. Now, I AM that mom. I'm trying to enjoy every second of being EJ's mama, in between work and other activities.

My life has been a little bit of a blur. Since my last post, Greg has moved back home and has started his classes to become a Realtor®. If everything goes according to plan, he should be able to take his licensing test by the end of August! Greg has a lot to offer to East Texas in the Real Estate industry, so I'm very excited to see his success in this field. 

In Other News
As of August 1st, I am proud to announce my affiliation with Homes for Heroes®. It's a great program established to give back to firefighters, law enforcement, military (active, reserves & veterans), healthcare workers and teachers for all they do for our communities. If you're interested in learning more, feel free to visit the website or contact me for more information.

Be watching for my next post. Until then, have a great weekend!

Jessica Holmes, Realtor ®
Mobbs Real Estate Group
(903) 987-0685


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