Don't view it as a waste of time, but rather an opportunity to grow!

Just some food for thought...

I wanted to share something that happened to me yesterday, and it probably affected me more than I thought it would in the moment.

Our office had a walk in customer (I know, it's crazy but we actually still have those occasionally). This customer came in because they were curious about a commercial property we had listed and wanted more information.

This person started asking about our business - how it started, what we did to get it started, why did we started the company, etc.
This person was thinking about starting their own business and they were energetic to become and entrepreneur and be able to run their own company.
When they asked about the logistics of our business - basically what we did to get it started – I told them that before we did anything, we consulted our attorney and CPA. They made a comment about not having a ton of money to spend on these services. Even though the cost of these consultations was more than what we had in the beginning, I told them it would be more costly if you started a business without consulting a professional. I suggested that even though it might be more money than they want to spend, I would be a good idea that they consult their own trusted professionals in order to get the best advice for their situation.
After realizing they were really green in starting a business, I gave this person a commercial lender's business cards. If they needed capital to start their business, who else better to point them in the right direction than a commercial lender?
That's when they said "Do you think it's a waste of time? I have bad credit and I know I won't qualify."

That's when I stopped.

I know it was probably only a few seconds, but it felt like much longer. Normally, I wouldn’t know what to say or just not say anything at all. This time was different. My response left my lips so quickly that I wasn’t sure if it would come out as politely as I intended it. I told this person "Nothing is ever a waste of time if you learn something from it."

This person continued the conversation for a few more minutes then left.

But this moment keeps replaying over and over in my head, and it will probably stick with me for a while.

I think this moment served me more than it did the walk in, but I hoped this person also gained something from our conversation. I practice this without thought, almost daily, but I never really thought about it and understood the value until now.

In my business - Every listing appointment, every showing, every lunch date/coffee appointment is a chance to learn something new and networking with new people. Even if it doesn’t result in a “close” at that moment, it’s an opportunity to plant the seeds for a future harvest.

In my personal life - every failed relationship, every job, every missed opportunity was (and continues to be) a chance to learn, change and grow. I’m so thankful for every path I’ve been led down. If you’re a Christian or even a spiritual person, we know that God (or a higher power) directs our paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” If we trust that God has the bigger picture in mind and can guide us to where we need to be, we can rest a little easier knowing that we’re going in the direction intended for our life. We can trust that we are where we need to be when we need to be there. Even if we think it is a waste of time, it may just be a path you’re being led down.

The next time you find yourself in a situation that doesn't have the outcome you want or expect, use it as a learning opportunity and grow from it. Instead of viewing things as a “waste of time,” think of them as “an opportunity for growth.”


  1. Very well said! It’s colored with positivity and also quite true. Even bad experiences and mistakes can add value to our lives. Thanks for the insight!

  2. I love you so much! Your personal and business ethics are stellar! Thank you Jessica!


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